BUYERS March 30, 2023

5 Reasons To Live In Your New Home Before Renovating 🏠🛠️

5 Reasons to Live in Your Property Before You Renovate

Moving into a new home is an exciting experience! You’re filled with anticipation and excitement to finally create a space that truly reflects you and your family.  Whether this is your first time becoming a homeowner or you’ve owned in the past, it’s natural to want to start making changes right away. However, you might want to consider living in your new home for a bit before making any renovations.  Here are five reasons to live in your new home before renovating!

You’ve Had Enough Stress Already
Moving can be an incredibly stressful time. From packing up all your belongings to signing the paperwork and unpacking everything in your new home – it can take quite a toll on you…both mentally and physically. That’s why you should give yourself some time to settle in before starting any major renovations. It will give you the opportunity to get used to living in the new home without feeling overwhelmed by the renovation process.

You Need Time To Plan
Renovations don’t happen overnight, and they require careful planning and thought so that everything goes smoothly.  If you jump right into renovating after moving into the new home, you may not have had enough time to consider all of your options or think through every detail of the project. Giving yourself extra time will ensure that you make well-thought-out decisions that lead to successful renovations that last for years.

Moving Has Strained Your Budget
Moving can be expensive, especially if you need professional movers or if you’re relocating across state lines. So, taking some extra time after moving into your new place can help reduce financial stress.   Perhaps you can build your savings back up allowing yourself more flexibility and more options when making your renovation choices.

Living In The Home Can Change Your Mind
Living in the house for 6–12 months gives you plenty of opportunities to get creative with ideas about what could potentially be done to make your home fit better with your lifestyle and tastes. Often times this leads homeowners to discover new ways they could use certain spaces or decide against doing certain types of renovations.  Or maybe it will inspire other renovations you didn’t realize would be helpful.

Re-Evaluate Your Renovation Choices
Many people end up making rash decisions when it comes time to choosing materials or deciding which rooms need renovating first–only later regretting their choices because they didn’t give enough consideration during the planning phase. Allowing yourself some extra time can help prevent costly mistakes like this from happening by giving you ample opportunity to research different materials and decide which rooms need tackling first.

SOOOOO…Enjoy Your New Home First
There are solid reasons to live in your new home before renovating!  Taking some extra time before beginning a renovation project is always recommended—especially if it’s been less than 6 months since moving day! While it might be tempting to jump right into transforming each room as quickly as possible, waiting until after you settle in will give you ample time for planning, save money on unnecessary expenses due to poor decision making, provide insight on how best to utilize specific rooms based on lifestyle habits, plus offer plenty of chances to re-evaluate any potential choices made along the way. All these will ensure that every renovation decision made is one that will be truly enjoyed!

Michelle and Trey Real Estate

Michelle and Trey Real Estate